The Greek Programming Board and Order of Omega are additional ways to get involved within the fraternity and sorority community!

The Greek Programming Board (GPB) plans and hosts community-wide programming that is more fun and exciting in nature! Primarily, the GPB plans Homecoming events in the fall for the FSL community and Greek Week in the spring!
GPB works to plan a homecoming experience for the fraternity and sorority community that is in support of the overall University’s homecoming while highlighting the lifelong connections of being a fraternity or sorority member! One major highlight of Homecoming each year is the SongFest performance that has been taking place for over 100 years! In the spring, Greek Week takes places to celebrate the accomplishments of the fraternity and sorority community and provides opportunities for members to give back to the larger University community. Chapters are paired together and compete in several exciting events throughout the week; the Fraternity & Sorority Life awards ceremony also takes place during this time.
Greek Programming Board members are selected late each spring and serve their community over the following academic year. Be on the lookout for applications each March!
Order of Omega is a national honor society founded in 1959 at the University of Miami to recognize the service fraternity and sorority members have given to their chapters and University. The Eta Mu chapter of Order of Omega was established at the University of Utah in August 1986 and has been on campus since.
At least once a year, Order of Omega recruits new members to join the organization and continue giving back to the University and Salt Lake communities. Membership into Order of Omega is limited to 5% of the fraternity and sorority community annually and is available to upperclassmen who have a GPA at or above the all-Greek average and have completed at least one full academic year at the U.

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