Fraternity Recruitment

In the spring, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) hosts an "organized" recruitment process that occurs during the first few weeks of classes, starting with Recruitment Orientation and Meet the Fraternities event before each chapter begins their own recruitment activities. This organized process ends with Bid Day, which is the first time you can formally accept a bid with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Registration for this process is required. After this period, organizations can continue to recruit, and most likely will, in order to finalize their spring new member class! This process is replicated in the fall on a larger scale.
Spring 2025 Fraternity Recruitment Information
Spring 2025 Fraternity Recruitment will take place during the month of January - January 9th - 26th
Recruitment will kick off on Thursday, January 9th with Recruitment Orientation & Meet the Fraternities Social from 6pm - 8pm in the University Union.
Chapter-specific events will begin on Monday, January 13th with events being held at various locations on and around campus and conclude with Fraternity Bid Day on Sunday, January 26th. Each fraternity will host a series of 3 events held between January 13th - 24th. These events begin as open to all that are interested, and as the process continues will become invitation only (this will be indicated on the chapter's recruitment schedule, which will be posted on their Instagram account).
Registration for Spring 2025 Fraternity Recruitment will open on December 13th & registration is required to participate.
For more information follow IFC on Instagram @utah_ifc
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
The Interfraternity Council has 13 member fraternities that will participate in and host recruitment activities beginning the first week of classes. You need to register for this process via the link above. Registering for recruitment helps chapters know who is interested, how to contact them, and allows us to verify GPAs with the University.
In the spring, we combine aspects of both formal and informal recruitment to create an "organized" recruitment experience. This means there will be a combination of both community-wide IFC recruitment events (in which all fraternities participate) and individual fraternity-hosted recruitment events. Compared to the fall, this process is shorter and has less community-wide IFC events as well as fewer individual fraternity chapter events. Though the process is shorter, there are still is still the opportunity to meet each organization at our community-wide Meet the Fraternities event that happens prior to the start of individual chapter events. The IFC recruitment events are intended to showcase each fraternity and allow potential new members to interact and connect with members of each fraternity. Individual fraternity-hosted events are intended to allow potential new members to focus their time and energies with specific fraternities of interest, to get to know them and their members on a deeper level. These fraternity-hosted events start out as open invitation events for all potential new members who have registered for recruitment. As the process continues, events will become invitation only in order to really decide who fits with their organization the best.
While similar to fall recruitment, Spring recruitment is intended to be a scaled-back process that sometimes can be more manageable for potential new members. While we can almost guarantee each fraternity will be recruiting during the fall semester, it is possible that not all fraternities will recruit in the spring.
Fraternities and sororities are dedicated to their academic pursuits as part of the membership experience. To be eligible to go through recruitment for a fraternity, you must meet a GPA requirement. For incoming freshman, it is a cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.75 through high school. For those who have one semester or more of full-time (12) college credits (either at the University of Utah or another accredited institution), your GPA must be at least a 2.5. Those who are ineligible to participate via these requirements will be contacted by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Additionally, some organizations may have higher GPA requirements than this, so it is always best to ask throughout the process!
This is an individual experience! You might have friends who are members of fraternities or are also looking to join the same semester as you are. The organization best for them might not be the best for you and that’s okay!
Fraternity and sorority members are responsible for dues to the chapter. These dues are used to pay for community service and philanthropic projects, social events, membership development events, chapter house usage (if applicable), organizational attire, parent/family and alumni events, insurance and national fees, as well as general chapter expenses. If a student accepts an invitation to join, they may be asked to sign a membership and financial responsibilities agreement. Students are encouraged to review all agreements carefully and discuss them with their parents or support networks before making a decision.
Membership Dues Average Cost - Fraternities: $450 - $1200+
Dues can be either all inclusive, pay as you go, or a combination of both. Dues tend to be higher during the first-semester of membership due to joining fee's related to insurance, initiation materials, headquarters expenses, etc.
The “best fraternity” and best fraternity for you are often different. Each organization presents different values, opportunities, and membership experiences. You should seek to join the fraternity where you feel most comfortable; has members you enjoy spending time with; and has goals, interests, and values that match your own. And spoiler alert: there is no “best fraternity!”
Alcohol, drugs, and hazing are not tolerated in the fraternity and sorority community and should not be part of the recruitment process. If you feel uncomfortable with any part of the recruitment process, contact the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, the Office of the Dean of Students, or the University Safety Department.

Connect with us
Please reach out for any questions or more information about Fraternity & Sorority Life at the University of Utah.